Big Data & Open Data
Brussels, 7-8 May 2014
The ERF-AISBL in collaboration with Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, is planning to address the big data and open data issues by organizing a first workshop focused on the common problems that all data producing large scale research facilities are facing and will face in the years to come, and the ways to elaborate solutions. The purpose of the workshop is also to offer opportunities for discussions on specific proposals to be submitted to the Horizon 2020 program. The speakers are high profile experts in this field. We expect to attract over 100 highly concerned scientists and facility managers. All the sessions will be plenary.
Main Topics
Full programme and presentations:
Data e-Infrastructures in Horizon 2020 Carlos Morais Pires | Document |
e-IRG data challenges Norbert Meyer, Maciej Brzezniak | Document |
EUDAT shaping hte future of Europe's collaborative data infrastructure Peter Wittenburg, Kimmo Koski | Document |
Research Data Alliance Leif Laaksonen | Document |
Big data in solid earth sciences observatories Massimo Cocco | Document |
Big data in the astronomical community Francoise Genova | Document |
Data and metadata in nanoscience Stefano Cozzini | Document |
Big data in bioinformatics Alf Game | Document |
Long term data preservation for HEP CERN Jamie Shiers | Document |
EGI services for high throughput big data processing in a secure federated environment Tiziana Ferrari | Document |
Italian scientific big data initiative Sanzio Bassini | Document |
PaNdataODI - an open data infrastructure for photon and neutron based research Juan Bicarregui | Document |
Polish national data storage Norbert Meyer, Maciej Brzezniak, Maciej Stroinski | Document |
PRACE big data challenge Sergi Girona | Document |
Big and open scientific data in Finland Sami Niinimaki | Document |
EU T0 Data research and innovation hub Giovanni Lamanna | Document |
ILL open and big data challenges Jean-Francois Perrin | Document |
Storing and analyzing efficiently big data at GSI FAIR Thomas Stibor | Document |
Big data at ESRF - big problems, big opportunities Rudolf Dimper | Document |
Big data management for large experiments at DESY Volker Guelzow | Document |
Royal Museums of Art and History
"Petit Narthex" Conference room
10 Parc de Cinquantenaire, 1000 Brussels Telephone: + 32 (0)2 741 73 31 Mail: Registration fee 200€ (to be paid either by credit card or bank money transfer, and it includes the social dinner). Participants may invite up to two guests (not registered to the conference) to the social dinner, covering the extra cost (60 euro per guest). Contact Contact us at
Organising Institutions
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Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste is a multidisciplinary international center of excellence, specialized in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials science. The main assets of the research centre are two advanced light sources, the electron storage ring Elettra and the free-electron laser (FEL) FERMI, continuously (H24) operated supplying light of the selected "colour" and quality to more than 30 experimental stations on 32 beamlines. |
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The ERF-AISBL Association has the not-for-profit purpose to promote the cooperation and the projects between european-level research infrastructures which are open, at international level, to external researchers. These infrastructures include national infrastructures as wel as european networks and consortia of research infrastructures. |