"Workshop on Maintenance and Reliability"
Soleil Synchrotron, 9-10 November 2011
A workshop initiated from the fact that at any research facility there are thousands of pieces of equipment to maintain and enhance. Installation and maintenance management is a common issue and it is mandatory to keep reliability at a high level.
The objectives of the workshop are to share issues and working methods, to exchange the tools used and maintenance organisation and to mutually take advantage of experiences to improve maintenance processes and reliability.
Welcome B. Gagey, Soleil | Document |
Introduction H. Rozelot, Soleil | Document |
Maintenance at the MAX IV Laboratory J. Thanell and A. Mansson, MAX IV | Document |
Buildings Utilities maintenance at ALBA L. Mirelles, ALBA | Document |
Maintenance and reliability of process at SOLEIL P. Betinelli and L. Manoiet, Soleil | Document |
Maintenance of technical infrastructures at ESRF T. Marchial, ESRF | Document |
Maintenance and safety at protontherapy center S. Meyroneinc, CPO | Document |
CERN on the brink of a new maintenance project G. Perinic, CERN | Document |
Maintenance of building and utilities at SOLEIL T. Didier, Soleil | Document |
Building services maintenance at DIAMOND - contracted service of in house staff L. Walters, DIAMOND | Document |
Maintenance of CERNs cryogenic installations S. Knoops, CERN | Document |
Software maintenance at LMJ H. Graillot, CEA/LMJ | Document |