Research Infrastructure Communications and Engagement (RICE)
The ERF-AISBL Working Group RICE (“the Group”) is established to collect requirements and best practices in the area of public relation, communication and engagement from the member infrastructures and other European research infrastructures and organisations, and based on those inputs to provide advices and good practices for ERF AISBL members on activities and developments related to it. The group aims to develop an understanding of common community requirements in the domain of public relation issues of research facilities and networks, and facilitate the adoption of established, good solutions from this field.
The topics of interest of the group will be:
- Collecting and sharing best practice examples of science communications and engagement.
- Organising the exchange on regular meetings and workshops.
- Promoting science communication with focus on LSF and research networks.
- Promote and conduct common research projects on science communication.
The outputs of the Group will be:
- Common requirements for public awareness across ERF AISBL member infrastructures.
- Best practice recommendations for science communication, engagement and PR organisation to ERF AISBL research infrastructures.
- Position papers (White papers, Blue print…) to be endorsed by the ERF General Assembly before public release.
The working group in general wants to promote the public awareness of large scale research facilities (LSF) and infrastructures.