MAX IV Laboratory
With the MAX IV facility (, Sweden will have the highest quality of X-rays available to scientists from academia and industry in the whole world. These X-rays will be used to understand, explain and improve the world around us. They will enable the study of materials that we use today and improve them beyond the performance that we know.
In addition, MAX IV will allow scientists to develop new materials and products that we cannot even imagine today, such as medications with better and more precise functions and fewer side-effects, nanoparticles for diverse areas of application, including paints, catalysis or computing, or lighter and stronger packaging materials for the future.
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Hippie user Hilde J. © Copyright: MAX IV Laboratory
In 2026, MAX IV is a highly successful national research infrastructure. Due to its high brightness beams covering vacuum UV, VUV and X-rays, MAX IV is world-leading in some areas and worldclass in all others.
Strategic alliances with Swedish universities across the entire country, research institutes and other partners have built a large and diverse academic and industrial user community. Scientists use the facility as an integral part of their research portfolios. In a proactive and transparent process, MAX IV has secured long-term financing from the main funders covering the basic operation cost and a balanced suite of sixteen beamlines focusing on Swedish needs.
Beamline Development at MAX IV
Beamlines at a state-of-the-art synchrotron research facility like MAX IV are complex, sophisticated scientific instruments that typically take 5-6 years to develop and prepare for researchers (users) to use for experiments.
The beamline development process begins with a scientific case, conceptual design, and proposal for funding. Once beamline projects are funded they proceed with a detailed design, component procurement and fabrication, installation, then preparation for operations (commissioning). Commissioning, typically a 6-12 month process is assisted by expert users experienced with these activities and who are willing to help test and calibrate the beamline instrumentation.
As commissioning nears completion, beamlines issue a first call for user proposals where regular users can apply for beamtime to perform experiments on beamlines through a peer-reviewed application process. The operations phase of a beamline typically begins 6 months after the first call for proposals. Regular calls are issued every six months after that.
MAX IV Aerial Tour
Film by Simon Cesarini.
Music by Two steps from hell. Track: Nero.